Meditation - Now what do I do?
Many people believe that during a meditation session a person has to completely clear their mind of any thought s . Now while this may happen from time to time if for a few minutes, it is very common for thoughts and emotions to come to the forefront of your mind. Meditation allows a person to be more self aware and in control of their thoughts and body. Meditation can help you boost your immune system by relieving stress and supporting a good night’s sleep. It can also help you feel more peaceful and generally happier. So now that we know a little bit about meditation, how do we do it? First of all be realistic, the chances are that your conscious mind (the voice in your head) has had free reign for quite a while and will jump around all over the place as thoughts and feelings drift in and out of your head. Tha t ’s perfectly normal and with time and practice you will gain more control over your meditation sessions and this voice . ...